Are you ready to finally have it all. All the money. All the joy. All the life. All the things. ⁣

All of it. ⁣

Not some watered down. Safe. Mediocre. Shadow life version of it. ⁣

Are you ready to finally step into your power. Finally be the bad bitch you were put here to be. ⁣

Finally show up and serve the people you’ve been put here to serve. ⁣

Finally have the amazing life you’ve been put here to live. ⁣

Or are you too comfortable holding onto what used to be normal. What feels comfortable. What feels like enough. ⁣

Will you continue to sit in your decent life. With your decent business. Making decent income. Having a bit of impact. ⁣

Convincing yourself on the daily that this is enough. This is why you’re here. That this is normal. ⁣

Or will you decide to go all in. To go all out. To commit fully to your dreams. To the thing you’re here to create. The thing you’re here to say. The thing you’re here to do. ⁣

Your art. Your meaning. Your purpose. ⁣

The whole damn reason you came here in the first place. ⁣

Or will you continue to hold onto normal. Decent. Mediocre. Just good enough. ⁣

Your soul slowly dying day by day in your beautifully manicured life. ⁣

You’ve had some success. You’ve done some things. You’ve lived some life. ⁣

And honestly it’s more than you ever thought it would be. But if we’re being honest. It still isn’t enough. ⁣

Am I right? ⁣

You’re still not really fulfilled. Still not really doing your purpose work. Still not really showing up. ⁣

I mean yeah. You’re showing up. You’re killing it. You’re making money. You’re doing some things. You’re pretty happy a lot of the time. ⁣

At least happier than you were. ⁣

But is it really enough. Is comfortable. Decent. Enough. Normal. Really worth it. ⁣

Is it really worth tucking those precious dreams away. Deep down inside. ⁣

The desires of your heart you’ve had since you were a little kid. ⁣

Those memories of things that haven’t quiet happen yet that you cannot completely let go of. ⁣

Your dreams. Your desires. Your reason for being here. ⁣

Are they worth living only as a distant memory of a future that could have been. Just so you can stay comfortable. Normal. Just good enough. ⁣

Is it worth letting your soul die a little more each day. Is it worth saying no to that still small voice inside that’s tells you there is more to life than what you’re living. ⁣

Is it worth it? ⁣

It’s time to jump off the cliff naked. It’s time to go all in. It’s time to decide that good enough just isn’t. ⁣

It’s time to do the thing you’re here to do. Make the money you’re here to make. Live the life you’re here to live. ⁣

And I’m here to help. ⁣

Hi. I’m Mindy Sartin. And 2 years ago I was a homeless single mom on welfare. I had left a failing marriage with nothing but a minivan. Some diapers. 3 babies and dollhouse. ⁣

Today I live in a penthouse overlooking the city and in the last 60 days, I manifested over $110,000. Working less. Spending more time with my kids. Going to the spa. Living my fucking life. ⁣


The Mindy Sartin

“Since I started working with Mindy, I have generated over $56,000 in 90 days (during a pandemic), manifested my dream car AND moved into a luxury apartment... all while going to school full time and raising a three year old!!!”

Empowerment Coach

The Mindy Sartin

“I mean....what in the literal F*CK?!? How does one person manifest $15,000 in 60 minutes and 42 clients in 3 hours?? Oh....right....she has a 60 minute coaching call with Mindy!!!!”

Beauty Brand Owner

The Mindy Sartin

“Prior to working with Mindy, I never believed in manifestation. If it’s too good to be true, it is right? Well Mindy had me do ONE thing! In 24 hours, I manifested $3604. A FEW days later, I manifested $8041. That’s $11,645!! I’m so blessed and so thankful!”

Steadfast Virtual Solutions

Because I know what to focus on and when to focus on it. I know how to create fuck yes offers that my Clients actually want. And I know how to sell them in a way that feels good and doesn’t take a fuck load of time to do it. ⁣

When I started my business. I was working full time. Living in a one-bedroom apartment wondering how I was going to make rent every month. ⁣

I invested $1,000 in a course that I did not have. And it changed everything. ⁣

See here’s the thing. I’ve had business in the past. I’ve made money. I’ve done the fucking thing. ⁣

But I had forgotten who I was. What I came here to do. ⁣

I was tired. I was scared. I was alone. And I was fucking done. ⁣

Can you relate? ⁣

So I took the leap. I spent my rent money and started the course. ⁣

See. I needed a path to run on. I needed someone to remind me who the fuck I was. ⁣

And it worked. ⁣

I went from one Client to $10,000/month in 90 days. The next month I cut my hours in half and doubled my income. ⁣

And now I teach badass boss bitches like you how to do the same. ⁣

Like Wesley. A broke single mom. She was going to school full time. Running a failing housekeeping business. Barely making ends meet. ⁣

She invested her last penny to work with me. ⁣

The next day she made $7,000 and manifested her dream car. ⁣

We got clear on what the hell she was really here to do and now she makes $20,000/month in a business that didn’t even exist before we started working together. ⁣

Or Sharonna. Who got clear on who she served and how she served them and had 25 new Clients in ONE WEEK! ⁣

Or Kathleen who finally started showing up and manifested $15,000 in 60 minutes and 42 new Clients in 3 hours. ⁣

This shit works y’all. ⁣

See...I have a proven, simple system for making fuck tons of money fast. For going all in on the madness of being you. For letting it be fucking easy. For truly living your dream. ⁣

The thing you’re actually here to do. The life you’re actually here to live. The people you’re actually here to help. ⁣

Are all waiting for you on the other side of fear. ⁣

So my dear. ⁣

Are you ready? ⁣

Ready to jump. ⁣

Ready to go all in. ⁣

Ready to make fuck tons of money. Help fuck tons of people. Live fuck tons of life. ⁣

Without all the stress. Without all the striving. Without all the figuring it out. ⁣

Awesome! ⁣

I’m ready to help you. ⁣

Let’s fucking do this!! 

The Mindy Sartin

“I’ve been coaching 1:1 with Mindy for 5 weeks and in that time she not only shook a bunch of shit up (it’s what she does best), I also manifested over $40k, and have seen massive shifts in my personal life.”

Business Owner

The Mindy Sartin

“In 30 days, I manifested my dream job making $166,000 per year working part-time from home.”

Badass Boss Bitch

The Mindy Sartin

“Within 1 week of working with Mindy, I have 25 new clients. This is CRAZY!!!”

Health & Wellness

Welcome to Bad Bitch Mastermind. ⁣

My highest level 6 week group coaching program for the epic badass who is ready for more MONEY...More TIME...More FREEDOM...right fucking NOW. ⁣

You and me. More time. More money. More freedom. More Clients. More Fun. More Flow.⁣

Literally everything you need to take your business. Your life. Your calling to the next level. ⁣
More money than you ever dreamed possible. Amazing Clients who cannot wait to work with you and give you money now.⁣

Basically, the life and business of your dreams.⁣

All the systems. All the tools. All the strategy. ⁣

All the soul. All the spiritual. All the support. ⁣

All the accountability. All the ass kicking. All the love. ⁣

Everything you need to take your business and life to the next level.⁣

Everything you need to remember who the fuck you are then become it.⁣

Everything you need to do the damn thing already and get the results you know you're here for.⁣

6 weeks to more MONEY. More TIME. More FREEDOM. Right fucking NOW…⁣

Without the stress. Without the burnout. Without the overwhelm. ⁣

We start Monday, October 12th!⁣

So...Here’s What You Get:⁣

  1. 6 Weeks Of Live Unlimited Support In Our VIP Members Only FB Group: We will bust through what’s stopping you to get results NOW. You can literally ask me anything about your business. Your offers. Your Clients. Your systems. Your life. Whatever it is. I'm here to help you through it. For 6 fucking weeks! (This alone is worth more than the entire cost of the program.)⁣
  2. The Bad Bitch Mastermind 6-Week Course: This is the EXACT Formula I used to cut my hours in half and double my income in 30 days. All the systems...all the strategies...everything you need to make more money NOW. Without all the stress. Without all the bullshit. Without all the overwhelm. You will receive weekly life-changing content to move you forward where it actually matters. ⁣
  3. Badass Low End Membership Magic: How I went from ZERO to 100 Badasses in my low end membership (that’s $3,700/month in recurring income) in just 14 days without spending a dime on ads. This strategy will completely change how you’re doing business. ⁣
  4. Weekly Live Group Q&A Strategy Calls: to identify what’s stopping you and destroy the fucking thing. ⁣
  5. Private Mastermind With Other VIP badass Clients: Because love. You do not have to do this alone anymore. We’ve got your back. ⁣
  6. How I Sell out Programs That Are Actually Fun To Make: Without having all the things figured out beforehand.
  7. How I Make More Money Working Less: With Less stress. Less Bullshit. Less Overwhelm.
  8. Lifetime Access To Everything: The videos. The audios. The live call recordings. Bad Bitch Mastermind updates. And over $2,000 worth of BONUSES in your private members are.⁣

AND THEN...THE BONUSES. Holy Shit! The Bonuses! (Instant Access)⁣

Money Making Pre-Work: What if you could make more money than you’ve ever dreamed possible without sacrificing the life and freedom you set out to create? What if you could have it all without trying to do it all.⁣

In this Money Making Pre-Work we will dig into where you came from. Where you’re going. And what’s holding you back from getting there. How to become your Future Rich Bitch NOW. This pre-work is normally only available to my super high level VIP 1:1 Clients. It’s a total game changer!⁣

How to Get More Of What You Want: The best investment I make every single day in my life and business that pays me back over and over again. No matter what’s going on around you this video will show you how to get results faster. How to stop being told no and how to live the life beyond your wildest dreams!⁣

Make Money This Week: How to land your NEXT CLIENT in 24 hours. Yep 24 hours! This training in gold.⁣

Simple Sales Calls That Convert: My simple formula for finding a need and filling it on every single sales conversation without feeling gross. ⁣

Facebook Ninja: How to use your Facebook personal profile strategically to find Clients, keep up with Clients and stay top of mind with Clients in 45 minutes a day.

The Ideal Client Referral Machine: My proven simple system for building a business that pays you on demand. This is my EXACT formula for going from ONE Client to $10,000/month as a burnt out, stressed out, tired as fuck single mom living in a one bedroom apartment with 3 babies. Shit y'all...if I can do it...anyone can. (This program alone is $997!)⁣

Literally everything you need to make fuck tons of money doing what you love. Without the stress. Without the burnout. Without the overwhelm. NOW!

Your time is now. Everything changes today. ⁣

Because love..You do not have to do this alone anymore. I’ve got your back. ⁣

You and me. 6 weeks. The life and business of your dreams. ⁣

You ready? ⁣

Don’t be scared. The time for playing small has passed. It’s time to find the new normal. ⁣

Let’s do this!!⁣

Grab your spot before it sells out. I cannot wait to work with you & I’ll see you on the other side!! ⁣

So...you in? ⁣⁣

Click the button below. If it's a FUCK YES... Buy that shit & I'll see you on the other side.⁣

Xo! Mindy 💕

REFUND POLICY: Results differ, of course, and all sales are final and non-refundable. For memberships, you get unlimited access to all content while in the membership. You can cancel at any time. Upon cancellation, all access is removed.