What If You Could Stop Fucking Struggling And Finally Make The Money You’re Here For...💃

7-13 Blog 2

It’s not your job to figure all the shit out.

It’s your job to rule and reign.

To show the fuck up.

To do the work that needs to be done.

To do the thing you’re here to do.

To trust.

To ask God. Source. Soul. Every day.

What would you have me be? Who would you have me serve? How would you have me serve them?

And then fucking do it.

This is the piece I feel like a lot of people miss.

The piece about doing the thing they’ve been shown.

You spend all this time asking. Listening. Connecting in.

But then you just sit there. Waiting for shit to happen. Waiting for money to fall from the sky.

And yes.

That shit does happen.

When the inspired idea is to just sit there. To lean back.

To rest.

But honey.

Let’s be honest.

Most of the time.

Well. All of the time.

You know what you need to do next.

You know the next step.

You’ve known the next step.

But you just don’t take it.



When we don’t have Clients it’s because we don’t want Clients. When we don’t have money it’s because we don’t want money.


I ask you.

You done fucking being broke yet?

You done with the fucking struggle?

The stress. The striving. The trying to figure it all out.

Or are you still good telling yourself the same played out stories?

That you’re not good enough. You don’t do enough. You’ll never make enough.

What if.

Maybe just maybe.

You’re exactly who you’re supposed to be.

What if.

Maybe just maybe.

You have EVERYTHING inside of you already to do the thing you’re here to do.

What if.

Maybe just maybe.

You have a people assigned to your life. A reason for being here. A mission. A purpose.

A fucking job to do.

And what if.

Maybe just maybe.

You’re ready to let go of all your bullshit excuses. And do it already.

What if.

Maybe just maybe.

You’re done being broke. Living paycheck to paycheck. No matter how much money you make.

What if.

Maybe just maybe.

You’re ready to step into your power. To open your mouth. To get your fucking voice back.

What if.

Maybe just maybe.

It’s not about being ready. And it’s about being willing.

Willing to ask.

Willing to listen.

Willing to trust.

Willing to do the fucking work.

And trust, know, and believe it is ALWAYS adding up in your favor. It is ALWAYS working out for you. It is ALWAYS this or something better.


My love.

You decide it’s not.

So...what will it be?

You ready to get off the fucking struggle bus already?

You ready to do the damn thing?

I see you. I believe in you. And you do not have to do this alone.

Xo! Mindy

PS. It’s coming!!

The Fuck Yes Offer Formula. How To Create. Launch. And Sell Your Fuck Yes Offer In 7 Days!

Literally every single thing you need to find the thing you’re here to do. Find the people who want that shit. Get it out to the world. And make some money honey.

In ONE week!

Like Erin. Who got clear on her Fuck Yes offer and made $6,500 in ONE phone call.

Danielle. Who signed a $20,000 contract in the middle of a pandemic.

Serena. Who got clear on her Fuck Yes offer and got 20 new Clients in one week.

Sharonna. Who started sharing her Fuck Yes offer and had 25 new Clients in 14 days.

Kathleen. Who launched her Fuck Yes offer and had 42 new Clients in 3 hours!!

Without all the stress. Without all the struggle. Without all the striving. Without all the bullshit.

Want to be the first to know before The Fuck Yes Offer Formula Sells Out...drop an emoji to get on the list. 👇


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