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Helping Badass Boss Bitches Step into Your Power & Manifest The F*ck Out Of The Life You’re Here To Live...NOW!

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The Manifestation Queen. I have the power to unlock your ability to get whatever the fuck you want.



Without all the fucking struggle.

See 2 years ago I was homeless with my 3 kids living on welfare.

I had left my failing marriage if 10 years. Walked away from my entire life to become the one thing I swore I’d never be.

And guess what.

It didn’t kill me.

And then I started to remember who the fuck I was. See. I had spent so many years trying to be someone else. Trying so hard to make it work.

I forgot my magic. I forgot what I could do. I forgot why the fuck I was here.

And I’m guessing.

At some point you’ve forgotten too.

I started to rebuild my life. Got a job. Moved into a one bedroom apartment.

Built a business while I was working full time out of my broom closet.

And you know what happened.

I started implementing the systems. The tools. The strategies that have always worked.


I have a super power.

Here’s what it is.

I ALWAYS get what I want.

Like. Always.

I have the audacity to ask for what I want. Assume the answer is yes. And even more than that am unavailable for it not to be.

And I walk it out as if it is.

And it happens.

Damn near every single time.

See I manifested a business making $10,000/m in 90 days.

Then I moved into the penthouse. A single mom who just one year before was homeless living on welfare.

Not knowing how the hell I was going to feed my kids.

Manifested the fucking penthouse.

In the last 60 days I’ve called in over $110,000 while working less. Napping more. And enjoying the fuck out of my life.

Have there been struggles.

Of course. I’m still fucking human.

But every single time I stop and remember who the fuck I am. And that I can literally have anything I want.

I remember to ask for it.

And then it happens.

And I’m going to teach you exactly how to do it.

Exactly how Kathleen manifested $15,000 in 60 minutes and 42 new Clients in 3 hours.

How Jeannette manifested her dream job making $166,000/ year working part time from home in just 30 days.

How Wesley manifest $7,000 and her dream car overnight and $59,000 in 90 days.

The list goes on and on.

But here’s the thing. You have to show up. You have to follow my simple systems and strategies.

You have to be willing to let it be fucking easy.

You have to be willing to reclaim your power and manifest fuck tons of money now. in?

Let's Work Together!


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Since I started working with Mindy, I have generated over $56,000 in 90 days (in the middle of a pandemic!!! while going to school full time and raising a three year old!!! I went from BROKE, living in a 600 sqft apartment, wasn’t sure how I was going to pay for childcare or anything! I invested my LAST $1,000 and 12 hours later made $7,000, manifested my dream car AND moved into a luxury apartment!! I’m SO thankful I said YES!

Wesley Wetz | Empowerment Coach

TMS - Testimonial Headshot - Vai Ma - Resized

Since working with Mindy, I’ve manifested money like CRAZY! I did ONE thing that Mindy told me to do, the next day there was a $1,000 deposit into my account. That same evening there was a pending deposit for $2,604. This past Friday, my husband and I received a check for $7,991 and a friend on Facebook sent me $50 via Venmo. That's $11,645!! Thank you, God! Thank you, Mindy!

Vai Ma | Steadfast Virtual Solutions

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I’ve admired Mindy’s work from afar for a while. Her energy is contagious, her story so damn inspiring. The universe worked its magic and I got the opportunity to work with her, and within just one phone call I was able to manifest $20,000. Incredible!

Karla Pámanes | Brand Design
