You Are A Magical Fucking Unicorn Of The Internet...You Ready To Own That Shit Yet 🤷♀️

You my dear are not and never were and never will be like everyone fucking else.
You are not like them.
You are not one among many.
You are not duplicatable.
You are fucking special.
You are called to do huge things. Make big moves. Make big money. Change big lives.
You were called for greatness.
You were never supposed to be like everyone else.
You were never supposed to fit in the box. In fact. The fucking box is something they made up to keep you small. To keep you quiet. To keep you contained.
Because you my dear are a fucking Phoenix. Rising from the ashes.
You love hard. You fight hard. You work hard.
You go all in.
You do the fucking thing.
And NOTHING. And I mean NOTHING is going to stand in your way.
How many times have you heard this.
The only difference between you and me is that I’ve done this longer.
I swear to God if I hear one more Magical Fucking Unicorn try to say they are just like everyone else so that people will buy from them.
I just can’t.
It’s a fucking lie.
Not everyone can do what I do. Not everyone is supposed to.
But you can.
You know deep down inside that you are one of us.
One of the special ones.
The ones who are here to make a difference. To make a change.
To make FUCK TONS of money.
And that it doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to be stressful. It doesn’t have to wear your ass out.
See baby.
It’s not about working harder. Doing more. Forcing. Pushing. Striving.
Doing all the thing. Just because you can.
It’s about being the motherfucking show.
Let me explain.
You are the motherfucking talent.
You are here to show up. Spread your wings. And fly.
You are here to unleash the message that God buried deep down inside your heart...or maybe even just below the surface.
You are here to rule and reign.
You are here to shine.
And someone else.
Someone else is here to do all the other shit.
You know all that shit you hate to do.
You hate to do it because it’s not your job.
You my dear are a magical fucking unicorn bad ass boss bitch of the Internet. And unless you absolutely LOVE to clean your own toilets.
It’s time to outsource that shit.
It’s time to stop trying to do it all.
It’s time to stop making everything so damn hard just so you feel worthy. Just so you feel valuable.
It’s time to let the fuck go.
Have fun.
Make money.
Fuck tons of money.
Love what you do.
Change the motherfucking world.
Spread your goddamn wings and fly already.
You are not like them. You never were. You never will be.
They didn’t like you in high school. And they don’t like you now.
You my dear are not here for them. Don’t you think it’s about time you stop trying so fucking hard to fit in.
Don’t you think it’s about time to stop giving two fucks what they think about you.
Don’t you think it’s about time to soar.
I see you. I believe in you. And you don’t have to do this alone.
Xo! Mindy
PS. You ready to spread your wings and fly.
Ready to stop trying to fit in with the fucking chickens.
Ready to be a goddamn eagle already.
Ready to claim your power. Unleash your greatness.
Ready to do the damn thing.
Ready to find your tribe.
Yeah. Us too.
Join me and the other Magical Fucking Unicorn Bad Ass Boss Bitches Of The Internet in our elite FREE community.
Together we are building a tribe of women just like you.
The ones who never quite fit in.
The ones who have always had to play a little small to keep everyone else comfortable.
The ones who know they are here to do big things. Make big money. And change the fucking world.
The ones who want to build you up. Instead of tear you down.
The ones who want to see you succeed.
The ones you cannot scare away.
Yeah those bitches. I found ‘em.
Come hang out at
We cannot wait to do life with you.
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