Be A Fucking Phoenix Rising From The Ashes & Never Have To Die Again

7-27 blog

Remember that time you liked that one kind of music. That one kind of boy. That one kind of girl. That one kind of ice cream.

Then one day it all changed.

And you wanted something different.

And then again.

And again.


You get the point.

Remember when you were free to be who you wanted to be.

Not who the world told you to be. Not HOW the world told you to be. Not WHAT the world told you to be.

Just exactly what and who and how you KNEW you were meant to be.

And then something happened.

Someone said you were...

Too much.

Too big.

Too small.

To loud.

Too quiet.

Too bold.

Not bold enough.


You get the idea.

Someone came along and wanted so badly to understand you they tried to put you in a box.

But you my dear do not fit In a box.



There is no box. But that’s a story for another time.

I know. I’ve been there. I get it.

And honestly.

It’s not their fault.

We chose to become something else.

We chose to lose ourselves. Our sense of being. Our reason for being here.

We chose to become what we thought they wanted us to be.

So they would like us. So they would accept us.

So they would love us.

And we silently hated them for it.

And we slowly died.

A little bit.

Each day.

Piece by piece forgetting the fierce warrior we came here to be.

Bit by bit.

Letting go of everything that makes us whole. Everything that makes us who we are.

And every day.

We died.

And then.

Yes then.

We decided to stop.

Stop trying to please them. Stop trying to be like them. Stop trying to fit in with them.

We looked around at our life and realized it wasn’t their fault.

They had not locked us up in this prison.

This fortress.

They had not burned our life to the ground.

We did that.

I did that.

You did that.

And it’s ok.

It’s time to let it go.

It’s time to rise from the fucking ashes. It’s time to be the Phoenix. It’s time to be reborn.

Because the truth is.

No one can take your purpose away.

Unless you let them.

No one can make you quiet. Small. Afraid.

Unless you let them.

No one can hurt you. Make you feel less than. Make you feel crazy.

Unless you let them.

You done? You ready? You willing?

To live the life you’re here to live. Make the difference you’re here to make. Help the people you’re here to help.

Be the you you’re here to be.

Or will you continue to die. Just a little bit.

Every. Single. Day.

Until all that’s left is a shell.

A shell of the life that could have been. The business you could have had. The memories you could have made.

But didn’t.

Because you were comfortable. In your prison. Slowing dying.

And you were too afraid to open the door and see what was on the other side.

The choice is yours.

We’re either living. Or dying. You can’t do both.

So what will it be?

Will you rise from the ashes?

Or will you slowly watch it all burn away?

I see you. I believe in you. And you do not have to do this alone.

Xo! Mindy

PS. Today’s the day! The last chance to get into The Fuck Yes Offer Formula for ONLY $197.

If you’re ready to rise from the ashes. Live the fucking life.

Make the fucking money.

But you just haven’t cracked the code on what to sell and how to sell it so you make fuck tons of money on repeat.

From Source. From Soul. From God.

Without all the stress. Without all the overwhelm. Without all the bullshit.

Read the link in the comments. If it’s a fuck yes. Grab your spot.

The FB group opens TODAY!

Quit playing small. Quit burning it all down.

Quit dying. And join us.

I’ll see you on the other side.


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