Do The Fucking Thing You Know You’re Here To Do & Quit Making Excuses Already

8-10 blog

Do the fucking thing you know you're here to do and quit making fucking excuses already!

Yeah. That thing.

You know the thing.

The thing you KNOW deep down inside your soul you’re here to do.

That you KNOW you’re here to say.

That thing you KNOW you’re here to share.

That thing you KNOW you’re here to sell.

Yep. That. That thing.

The thing you’re avoiding.

The thing you know will take you to the next level.

The thing you know will unlock fuck loads of money. Abundance. Clients.


That thing.

The thing you think about all the damn time. The thing you’re avoiding so you FEEL like you’re always working.

That thing.


Listen bitch.

It’s time.

To stop being afraid. Stop playing small. Stop blocking your blessings.

And do the fucking thing.


Now. Like right now.

Stop whatever you’re doing. Well when you’re done reading this.

And do the fucking thing.

Or don’t.

I mean.

If you’re happy. Totally fulfilled. Bringing in fuck tons of cash on the regular.

Then keep doing you boo.

But if you’re ready for more. Ready to tear down the walls that keep you stuck. Keep you small.

Keep you broke.

Then it’s time.

Time to go all out. Time to go all in. Time to do the fucking thing already.

I tell my Clients all the damn time.




And do the fucking work.

Whatever the work is.

And listen. Sometimes. The work is taking a nap. Sometimes the work is going to the spa. Sometimes the work is showing the fuck up.

Connect in. Ask God. Source. Soul. Universe.

What would you have me be? Who would you have me serve? How would you have me serve them?

Listen to what you hear. Get quiet. Meditate. Observe your thoughts.

Trust that the first answer is the right one. Always. Why? Because it’s what you decided of course.

Do what the fuck you’re told.

Yeah that part.

That’s where a lot of you get stuck. The actual doing what you know needs to be done.

That part.

It’s time.

Time to do that part.

Time to make the money. Time to live the life. Time to have the things.

It’s time.

To change the motherfucking world.

So...who’s with me?

I see you. I believe in you. And you do not have to do this alone.

Ps. Something fucking amazing is coming. You do not want to miss it.

If you’re ready for more money. More abundance. More life. More impact.

Drop an emoji to get on the list.

It will sell out.

It will change your whole damn life.

It will be fucking epic.

And of course you’ll want to be the first to know.

So. Drop all the emojis and keep an eye out this week to grab your spot.

I mean. Unless you want to keep living paycheck to paycheck. Trying all the fucking things. Chasing money down like a $20 whore and not quite catching it.

Then don’t drop an emoji. Don’t raise your hand. Don’t do the damn thing.

And return to your regularly scheduled programming.


If you’re ready to attract fuck tons of money now.

Then drop the emoji. Get on the list. And do the fucking thing.

Let’s do this!


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