Everything Can Change In An Instant!

8-17 blog 2
Everything. ⁣
Literally. ⁣
Overnight. ⁣
One day I was married. I was miserable. In a prison I had created. ⁣
Living a life I had been told to live. ⁣
Doing things I had been told to do. ⁣
Being the woman I had been told to be. ⁣
I worked my ass off. I was exhausted. I was stressed out. I was lonely. I was miserable. ⁣
I remember looking around at my life. Thinking to myself. ⁣
I guess I’m going to die here. ⁣
What I didn’t realize at the time was in a sense. I already had. ⁣
I had already given up on dreams. My goals. My reason for being here. ⁣
I had morphed and molded myself into a shell of a woman that I couldn’t stand to look at. ⁣
I created a life that made me want to die. ⁣
And I felt trapped. ⁣
Alone. ⁣
Broken. ⁣
Hopeless. ⁣
Until I didn’t. ⁣
Until that day my best friend told me...I didn’t have to live this way ever again. ⁣
That I wasn’t alone. And that if I wanted it she would help me. ⁣
That was Thursday. ⁣
Two days later I packed my babies up in my van and drove across the country with nothing but some diapers. A dollhouse. My laptop. My kids. And my best friend. ⁣
On Thursday morning I was sure I was going to die. That there was no way out. That my life was over. ⁣
Two days later. ⁣
Everything changed. ⁣
Because I made a decision. I changed my mind. I shifted my perspective. ⁣
And it changed everything. ⁣
I was hopeless. And then I wasn’t. ⁣
Since then I have rebuilt my life from nothing. ⁣
A single mom. Homeless. On welfare. ⁣
A little job. A one-bedroom apartment. ⁣
A business. $10,000/m. Then $20,000/m. Then $20,000 days. ⁣
The penthouse. In the nicest building in the nicest part of town. ⁣
Miracle. After miracle. After miracle. ⁣
Day. After day. After day. ⁣
I remembered who the fuck I was. I reclaimed my power and manifested the life of my dreams. ⁣
All because someone told me I didn’t have to keep doing things the way I had been. ⁣
All because I made a decision. I asked God what to do next. I listened. I trusted the answer. ⁣
And I did the fucking thing I was told to do. ⁣
I jumped off the cliff naked. ⁣
I trusted that everything is always working out for me. ⁣
That everything is always working out in my favor. ⁣
All because I have the audacity to ask for what I want. Assume the answer is yes. And walk that shit out as if it is. ⁣
And I’m here to tell you the same thing. ⁣
That it never has to be this way ever again. ⁣
That everything. Literally, everything can change in an instant. ⁣
If you decide. ⁣
If you ask. If you listen. If you trust. If you do what you hear. What you know to be the next step. ⁣
Even when it doesn’t make sense. ⁣
Even when it’s scary. ⁣
Even when you’re sure you’ll die. ⁣
Because when you jump. When you go all-in on being the you you’re really here to be. ⁣
When you connect in. Trust God and the Universe. ⁣
When you fucking jump. ⁣
Everything changes. ⁣
But the choice my love. Is up to you. ⁣
I see you. I believe in you. And you do not have to do this alone. ⁣
Xo! Mindy⁣
Ps. It’s coming. Omg, it’s coming. ⁣
The last resource you’ll ever need on manifesting the fuck out of the life of your dreams. ⁣
The life you’re actually here for. ⁣
Not that bullshit shadow life. The one you are just existing in. ⁣
The real life. The money. The impact. The joy. The fun. ⁣
All of it. ⁣
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And the best part. The first 20 people to grab their spot this week get in for only $37/m. ⁣
I know. ⁣
It’s insane. And this founding member's rate will not last long. ⁣
If you’re ready to manifest fuck tons of money now. From ease. From flow. From being more of you. ⁣
Drop an emoji and we’ll get you the link before we release it to my list. ⁣
Warning. This membership will change your whole fucking life. ⁣
So...if you’re happy working hard and struggling to make the money you’re here to make. ⁣
Don’t drop an emoji. ⁣
But if you’re fucking done. If you're ready to go all-in on living the life beyond your wildest fucking dreams. ⁣
Drop all the emojis and we’ll get you started. ⁣
I cannot wait to work with you & I’ll see you on the other side. 💕💕


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