You Don’t Have To Prove A Fucking Thing 🔥

8-28-20 blog
You’re already good enough.

You’re already perfect.

You’re already there.


There is shit you could do better. There are things you wish were different. Things you wish would change.

But when you decide.

That you are a perfect whole and complete child of God. Perfectly and wonderfully made. Exactly on purpose and right on time.

And that is enough. And that you are enough.

Everything changes.

When you can truly start to love yourself. Truly start to celebrate the life you have. Truly start to love who you see in the mirror.

That’s when the true freedom comes.

When you decide. That everything is always working out for you.

That is is always this or something better.

This or something more.

That you literally cannot fuck it up.

Then and only then.

Will you be willing to truly go all in on the madness of being you. All you. Only you.

Fully you.

And stop giving so many fucks about what everyone else thinks.

Stop living your life for them. Stop trying to impress them. Stop trying to convince them.

That you are worthy.

You don’t need “them” to be worthy.

You only need to decide.

To love yourself. To accept yourself. To fully back yourself.

No. Matter. Fucking. What.

To jump when your soul says jump.

To rest when your soul says rest.

To do whatever it takes. As long as it takes. Until it takes.

To fully go all in on the life you’re here to live. And stop seeking validation and worthiness from everyone else.

Only then can you truly live. Only then can you truly manifest the fuck out of the life beyond your wildest dreams.

The life you actually here to live.

So what will it be.

Continue to live your life seeking the approval of others.

Or accept. Love. Fully go all in on the madness of being you and let the fucking magic happen.

I see you. I believe in you. And you do not have to do this alone.

Xo! Mindy

Ps. The time is now.

Time to reclaim your power. Time to remember who the fuck you are.

Time to stop giving two fucks what anyone else thinks.

Time to go all in on the madness of being you.

Time to get your ass into MANIFESTATION QUEEN and finally have the life you know your fucking here for.

You ready.

Let’s do this!

Click the link. Read the page. Do the fucking thing.

I cannot wait to work with you. I’ll see you on the other side.


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