Be You & Then Be More Fucking You đź’‹

9-14-20 blog
And when that doesn’t work.

When you’re stuck. When you’re overwhelmed.

When you don’t see a way out.

Dig in deeper. Connect in more. Ask yourself again.

If I fully supported and backed myself how would I show up right now.

If I was coming from a place of faith and not fear. What would I do...or not do right now.

Ask God/Source/Soul/Spirit/Universe every single day.


Would you have me be.


Would you have me serve.


Would you have me serve them.

Listen. Sit in silence every day. Allowing your thoughts to float by like balloons.

You are not your thinking mind. You do not have to react to every single thought that comes into your head.

Remember that. When everything feels impossible. When you feel like an imposter.

When you feel.

Not good enough.

That no matter what you do. No matter how hard you work. No matter how much you try to fit into their fucking box.

That it’s never going to work out.


That’s complete bullshit.

You my dear are blessed and highly favored. Perfect whole and complete child of God. Perfectly and wonderfully made.

Exactly perfect and right on time.

Everything. And I do mean everything is always working out for you.

What if you actually believed that.

Because love. It’s fucking true.

Ok so you first ask. Then listen.

Next step.

Trust what you fucking here is from God/Source/Soul/Universe/12 Oak Trees Out Back. Whatever the hell it is. Higher self. Spirit. God.

That still small voice inside.

That one that tells you to jump when it doesn’t make any sense at all. But you know that you know that you know.

It is what you must do.



Listen to that.

Then do what the fuck your hear.

Every. Single. Time.

Be you.

And then.

Be. More. Fucking. You.

Every day. Every time. Every moment.

And then.

Trust that everything is always working out for you. That you are enough. In fact more than enough.

And that you literally cannot fuck it up.

I see you. I believe in you. And you do not have to do this alone.

Xo! Mindy

PS. Are you ready to go all in on the madness of being you.

To connect with the Source within you.

To know what to do and how to do it.

Are you ready for more money. More time. More freedom.

Right fucking now.

Are you ready to be you. And then even more you.

Are you ready to finally have the life and business of your dreams. The one you’re here to live.

The money you’re here to have. The lives you’re here to change.

The freedom to enjoy it all.

Something fucking epic is coming. It will change your entire life.

If you’re ready.

To show the fuck up. Listen. Be more you. Do the fucking work.

And trust that the life you want is already done.

You ready.

Email me now to get on the list.

Only 5 spots available.

Hang on tight baby girl. This shit’s going to change your whole damn life.

Let’s fucking do this. 💕💕


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