It’s not about the struggle. The hustle. The overcoming.

It’s not about the struggle. The hustle. The overcoming.
It’s not about proving everyone wrong.
It’s not about never getting hurt.
I used to fight everything.
I was a warrior. An over comer. A rebel.
My value came from from the battle.
I didn’t give a fuck what anyone else thought.
I didn’t give a fuck about the rules.
I fought against everything.
I turned fear into anger.
And if you made it though my wall. My fortress. My bravado.
Then and only then.
Would you get to see the woman inside.
The beautiful. Vulnerable. Passionate. Creative. Sometimes scared.
Lonely Queen.
You know. If you made it past the whole “off with their heads” part.
I would barely apply myself and get decent results.
All so that I could say...see...your rules don’t apply to me.
I did it my way and it worked.
But it didn’t really.
I would make some money.
Lose some weight.
Have some success.
All in the name of...I don’t care.
Take me or leave me.
Love me or don’t.
But the truth is.
I care deeply.
I do give a fuck.
I love so much sometimes it hurts.
And I deeply desire the money.
The love.
The body.
The success.
The freedom.
That come with giving a fuck.
So I made a decision.
To go all in.
To stop being afraid.
To do the deep inner work that allows it to be easy.
I decided to be free.
Free from the fear.
Free from the bravado.
Free from “I’m not good enough”.
Free from the constant battle.
And everything changed.
Money came flying in.
Clients started reaching out to me.
The body is coming.
It’s not about the struggle. The hustle. The overcoming.
It’s not about proving everyone wrong.
It’s not about never getting hurt.
It’s about leaning in. Leaning back.
Allowing it to be easy.
It’s about believing it will work. And being ok if it doesn’t.
It’s about removing the blocks that keep you stuck in the cycle.
It’s about moving forward.
It’s about going from good to great.
It’s about being able to MANIFEST.
From ease. From flow. From fun.
It’s time to drop the struggle story. It’s time to let it be easy.
It’s time to have it all.
MANIFEST starts Friday.
DM to join and change your whole fucking life.
I see you. I believe in you. And you do not have to do this alone.
Xo! Mindy


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