Some days I feel like the shittiest mom on the planet...

Some days I feel like the shittiest mom on the planet.
The guilt creeps in.
The I’m not good enough.
The can I really hold it all.
The multiple six figure business. The body of my dreams. The babies. The Clients. The impact.
The life.
Can I really do it all. Can I really be it all.
Am I really making a difference.
Am I simply making a mess.
Do they really want to hear one more story.
Do they really want to buy one more program.
Do they really want to go all in.
To live the life. Make the impact.
Have. It. All.
Do they really want to work with me.
Can I really do it.
Can you relate.
All the feels.
All the stories.
All the lies.
Then I remember the truth.
I have a people assigned to my life. A purpose. A passion.
A reason for fucking being here.
All I have to do is show up. Be all of me. Love as all of me. Live as all of me. Mom as all of me.
And trust that everything is always working out for me.
That the right woman will always see my posts.
That they will speak to her soul.
Move her because of who I am. Not in spite of who I am.
That she will finally feel like she fits somewhere.
Like I’m her person.
Like anything is possible.
And then I do it one more day.
I decide it gets to be easy. I decide it gets to be fun. I decide it gets to be worth it.
And that it’s all adding up in my favor.
Because the truth is.
It is.
I see you. I believe in you. I love you so damn much.
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