$20K months the easy way.

The journey to $10K was tough. The flight to $20K was the easiest thing I’ve ever done.
I remember the struggle from $0 - $10,000/month like it was yesterday.
I did it in 90 days. I felt like I had arrived.
I pushed. I forced. I struggled.
I hustled.
I did whatever it took to get there.
And when I did I was tired. Stressed out. Burnt out. Alone. And afraid.
What had I worked so hard for. Why couldn’t it be easy. Would it always be so fucking hard.
Then something changed.
I decided.
It does get to be easy. I do get to have it all.
The business.
The kids.
The life.
The fun.
The freedom.
I didn’t have to work so hard.
I could exhale.
That month I cut my hours in half.
I let things be simple.
I streamlined.
I manifested.
I got help.
I made $20,000 cash in 30 days.
By working less.
By playing more.
And it was so fucking easy.
The journey to $10k was tough. The flight to $20k was the easiest thing I’ve ever done.
It came from ease. From flow. From peace.
From alignment.
It gets to be easy. It gets to be fun.
It gets to be worth it.
You get to have it all.
You get to hold it all.
You get to be it all.
And it gets to be amazing.
I see you. I believe in you. It’s time.
Let’s fly.
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