The secret to $20K months

The SECRET to $20K Months.

Make the BOSS moves. Do the fucking things. Live your fucking life.

Connect in.

Ask for the next step.

Trust what you hear.

Do it.

Every. Single. Day.

Feel into the fear. Let it talk to you. Hear what she has to say.


Remind her. Mama’s got this.

And do the thing you KNOW you’re here to do.

Take the leap.

Jump off the cliff.

Only then can you truly fucking fly.

Only then can you truly have it all.

Only then can you live the life you’re here for. Make the money you’re here for. Change the lives your here for.

You’ve got this.

You’re fucking epic. You’re enough. And you already know what to do.

It’s time to fly bitch.

I see you. I believe in you. I love you so fucking much!

Xo! Mindy


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