The $20K CASH Formula

The road to $10,000 months was hard.
It was years of trying things. Learning things.
Feeling. Like. A. Failure.
It was launching programs that didn’t sell.
It was investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into my education.
It was being willing to put myself out there.
Being willing to do the next thing.
Being willing to try.
Willing to show the fuck up.
It meant working so hard.
It meant feeling like I had arrived.
Feeling like I made it.
Feeling like I was good enough.
I hustled. I sold.
I worked. My. Ass. Off.
And one day I did it.
One day I started another business.
I went from zero Clients to $10,000/month in 90 days.
One day...after years of late nights. Failed launches. Charging $97/hour for coaching.
I was an overnight success.
And you know what.
It didn’t fix it.
I was still empty. Scared. Alone.
I did the thing I fought so hard for.
I made it.
I had the story.
I wouldn’t have to hustle anymore.
I’d be ok.
But it felt so different than I expected.
I remember the feeling like it was yesterday.
I remember looking around at what I’d done.
I remember the loneliness.
I remember the tears.
I remember the fear.
I remember thinking...could I really do this again.
And do I really even want to.
And then something happened.
Something shifted.
Something changed.
I made a decision.
To let go of the hustle. The struggle. The striving.
I decided to let it be easy.
I got into alignment.
I stopped working so damn much.
I slept.
And that next month I got help. I went all in on the madness of being me. Truly stepping into my power.
Having faith.
I cut my hours in half and made over $20,000 in sales in 30 days.
And it was so easy.
I felt like I could breathe.
The more I leaned into alignment. The more I trusted. The more I allowed.
Consistent $20K CASH months became my reality.
The road to $10K/month was one of the hardest roads I’ve been on.
I built it up. Lost it all. Hit all the ceilings.
It meant so much to get there.
But the flight to $20K. That was so much easier.
There is a shift. That must happen.
A mindset.
A belief.
An understanding.
A letting go.
An allowing.
This is the $20K CASH FORMULA.
This is how you get there. From ease. From flow. From peace.
This is how you let go of the struggle. Let go of the story. Let go of the overwhelm.
This is how you step into your power. Own your magic.
Make more money than you ever thought possible.
This is how everything changes.
Welcome to ABUNDANT AS FUCK - The $20K Cash Formula. A 3 Day LIVE Masterclass Experience.
Welcome to the shift.
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