Sometimes things happen that crack you open...

Sometimes things happen that crack you open. That go so deep you think you’ll never heal...

I used to be very visible on social media. I went live multiple times per week. People bought my programs right off my lives.
They got the most amazing results.

I mean they still do.

But I realized something happened. I started to dim my light.


Because the women I worked with. The ones I went really deep with. The ones who had massive transformations and made so much money in their businesses.


Like they decided they didn’t want to be my friend anymore. Didn’t want to be in my world anymore. Blocked me on fb. Didn’t tell me why.

And it broke my heart.

I love people deeply. I give everything when I’m working with someone. I consider them a friend.

And when they left. I made it about me.

The truth is. It had nothing to do with me.

It was their path. Their wound. Their fear.

Not mine.

I did not really realize I had started playing small. Not really wanting to be seen. Not really wanting to call in too many 1:1 Clients.

Because I didn’t want to get hurt. Because I didn’t want to be hated.

I didn’t want to be alone.

I’m ready to let that go. I’m ready to love with all of me. To trust the process.

To hold the joy and the pain.

To go all the way in.

Thank you Melanie Ann Layer for always encouraging me to be more. To feel more. To love more.

Thank you for reminding me. I get to hold it all. That it won’t break me.

That I am strong enough for all of it.

That I have a job to do.

Thank you for going before us.

Thank you for your love. Your vulnerability. Your intention. Your openness.

Thank you for your heart.

Now. Let’s change the world. 🤍🤍

xo! Mindy


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