Everything you touch turns to gold.

Everything you touch turns to gold.

You dip your toe in. Barely show up. Let them see part of you...and the bitches come running.

I see you.

Hiding in plain sight.

Not really wanting to be seen.

Playing small. Staying safe. Not going all the fcking way in.

On the madness. The magic. The everything of you.

I see you wondering what they might think. What they might say. What they might do.

If they truly saw all of me.

If I unleashed all of this power burning inside.

If I really went all in. Really let them know. Really did the work.

To break free.

I get it.

Your small is bigger than 90% of the other bitches out there.

You can play in the field and Clients come running. Money comes running. Men come running.

But you know you want more.

More money. More impact. More power.

You want to be fully expressed. Fully in your magic. Fully seen.

But you know if you do.

It will work.

And then what.

It’s fcking terrifying....BUT you’re ready for the next level. The all fcking in. The everything you’re here for.

You’re ready to destroy the glass ceiling.

You’re ready to fly.

And I’m ready to help. To come alongside. To be the guide.

To the fully expressed. Fully embodied. Fully empowered version.

All of you. Just you. And then more of you.

You’re ready. You know what to do.

Let’s change the fcking world.

I see you. I believe in you. I love you so damn much!

Xo! Mindy


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