It gets to be so fcking easy!

What if you let go of all the rules. Stopped figuring out all the things.

Decided that it gets to be so fucking easy.

What if you decided to drop the hustle. The struggle. The story.

That I’m not good enough. I can’t do enough. I won’t be enough.

What if you decided that everything is always working out for you.

That it is ALWAYS this or something better. This or something more.

What if I decided that everything in your life is preparing you for right now.

For this moment.

For this breakthrough.

For this shift.

What if you decided you get to have it all. Be it all. Do it all.

And it gets to feel fcking amazing.

What if you decided to create a masculine structures from ease and flow that allow you to lean back and receive all the magic life has for you.

What if you went all in on the madness. The magic. The beauty of being you.

All of you. And then more you.

Without expectation. Without forcing. Without having to figure it all out.

What if you trusted the processed. Jumped even when you felt scared.

Let yourself be held.

By God. Spirit. Source. Soul. Universe.

What if you trusted. What if you went all in.

And what if.

It actually worked.

Just sit with that for a minute. Feel into the magic. The possibility. The abundance.

The freedom.

Of letting it be so fcking easy.

It’s time.

Let’s go.

I love you.

Xo!! Mindy


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