We are eagles...it’s time to fly b*tch.


We are eagles...it’s time to fly bitch.

I have made myself small. I have accommodated. I have tried to make things work for everyone.

I have made my desires less important.

I have watered myself down.

I have settled.

All in the name of wanting too much. Being too much. Doing too much.

But the truth is.

It’s not my job to dim my light to make other more comfortable.

It’s not my job to settle on what I want because it’s all I think they are capable of.

It’s not my job to make things work for everyone else.

It’s my job to connect in to source.

To trust that my desires are on purpose.

To shine so fcking bright they need sunglasses to see me.

It’s my job to be big as fck. To go all in on all of me.

To trust that those who are for me will find me. And those who aren’t will fade away.

To trust that it’s all adding up in my favor.

To trust that it’s all working out.

To trust that it’s all going to be ok.

To ask for what I want. Assume the answer is yes. And walk it out as if it is.

Every. Single. Day.

Playing small is for chickens.

We are eagles.

It’s time to fly bitch.

You ready. I’ve got your back. You’ll never be too big for me.

Let’s go.

Xo! Mindy


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