On receiving more money...


On money and letting it be so fcking easy.

We all have coding around money. A blueprint. A system of beliefs.

A story.

That tells us. In some way. In order to be worth it. We have to earn it.

That great work equals great reward.

That hard work pays off.

During our journey codes are unlocked. Blueprints are shifted. Limiting beliefs are dropped.

Yet. To some degree.

This story remains. That we only get to count it. Only get to celebrate it. Only get to enjoy it.

If we worked for it.

That when we fully step into the flow. When the work is working for us. When we collapse time.

It doesn’t really count. It doesn’t really matter. It isn’t really there.

And so we don’t mention it. We don’t celebrate it. We don’t fully own it.

We don’t fully allow it.

What if instead. We decided to tap into all of our power. All of our wealth. All of our abundance.

What if instead. We decided to celebrate every penny. Decided it all matters. Decided it all counts.

What if instead. We went first. Set the example. Celebrated it ALL.

Thanked God for the blessing and allowed even more in.

What if we truly believed it was ok to have it all. To do it all. To be it all.

What if we truly believed it gets to be easy.

What if we truly decided to fly.

Make it Rain B*tch 1:1 Money Activation Sessions are now open.

Spots are limited. Pricing increases soon.

This is the deep work that shifts quickly.

More info is coming. Your soul already knows.

Message me now to secure your spot. 💸💸

xo! Mindy


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