$123,000 in 6 months…what!!


As I sit here anchoring in our biggest cash month ever. The biggest quarter yet. Over $123,000 cash received so far for the year.

I feel like I’m going to shake apart. Like the tears will never stop.

See. It doesn’t make sense. I had so much to hold this month.

Not having a nanny. My kids unexpected trip to California. So many emotions.

Some days it feels light. Others it feels like too much.

But every day. I allow myself to feel it. To go all the way through the emotions. To come out on the other side.

So often it feels like in order to manifest abundance we have to bypass our emotions. Avoid the dark feelings. Stay happy.

But the truth is. We can feel all the things.


We can still make money. We can still have an impact. We can still hold it all.

We can still keep going.

It’s not our job to figure it out. We can’t control when the harvest comes.

But we can stay the course. We can show up.

We can be authentic. We can feel the things. We can live the life. We can be it all.

We can process through. Let the emotions come up. Get back into alignment and come out on the other side.

We can pause. Feel. Integrate. Move.

We can make all the money in the world. And the feelings will still come.

Let them come. Let them flow. Let them pass. Then celebrate. This is an amazing life we get to live.

And it’s only just beginning. 🤍🤍

xo! Mindy


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