She Weeps...

7-22 blog

She weeps for the life she once knew.

She weeps for the life she never wanted.

She weeps for the dreams that died long ago.

She weeps for the body she once had.

She weeps for the changes. The time. The moments.

She’ll never get back.

She weeps for the woman who once grew up inside of her.

Full of life. Joy. Passion.

She weeps for the girl who cries deep inside of her.

Full of fear. Doubt. Overwhelm.

She weeps for you.

The woman who has forgotten who she is.

The woman who has let fear run her life for what feels like ages.

The woman who feels like things will never be the same.

The woman who has given it all up to create the most amazing life.

That someone else wanted.

The shadow life. The shadow family. The shadow business.

The one who works so hard to do it all right.

To dot all the I’s and cross all the T’s.

In hopes that this time.

Maybe just maybe.

It will work.

That this time.

Maybe just maybe.

She’ll be accepted.

That this time.

Maybe just maybe.

They won’t stare. Giving her that look.

You know that look.

I KNOW that I KNOW that I KNOW....

That you know that look.

The one that says.

What in the hell is she doing?

Who in the hell does she think she is?

What in the hell does she think will happen?

That look.


You know that look.

The one that reminds you just how different you really are.

The one that reminds you that no matter how hard you try. No matter how hard you work. No matter what you do.

You will never.

And I mean never.

Be like them.

You my dear.

Will never be a chicken.

You my dear are an eagle.

And you my dear were made to fly.

To soar. To hunt. To glide gracefully through the sky. Being adored. Revered. Loved. Feared.

And they.


They are just chickens.

There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just who they are. It’s just what they do.

They peck around. Begging for scraps. Taking whatever they can get.

Living happily on the ground.

Happily being.

A chicken.


You my dear will never. And I mean never fit in with them.

You my dear were never here for them.

You my dear were never made for them.

But you’ve tried so hard. For so long.

To be the best fucking chicken the world has ever seen.

And those bitches have been looking at you sideways for years.

Cocking their head. With that fucking look.

So you try even harder to be a better chicken.

To not be too big. Too bold. Too audacious.

Too much.


So the fucking chickens will finally like you. So the fucking chickens will finally tell you you’re good enough. So the fucking chickens will finally say you’re one of them.


You are not. Never were. Never will be.


It’s time to stop trying so hard to fit it.

It’s time to stop trying so hard to do it right.

It’s time to stop trying so hard to be something you’re not.

You know why you’re tired. Exhausted. Overwhelmed. Stressed the fuck out.

It’s not because building a business is hard. It’s not because making money isn’t easy.

It’s because you’re not a fucking chicken.

But 90% of your energy is devoted to figuring out how to keep your wings tucked in. Your head closer to the ground.

Your dreams tucked away where they can’t see them.

To make big money. To do big things. To have big impact.

To change the fucking world.

You know who’s not here to change the world.

The chickens.

So don’t you think it’s time to leave those bitches alone.

Let them be.

Spread those wings.

Fly through the sky.

Be the beautiful magical fucking unicorn or the Internet you were put here to be.

Because here’s the truth.

They’ll still be looking. Still be pecking. Still be judging.

But from up here.

You won’t even notice.

From up here.

The view is amazing.

From up here.

You can soar.

I see you. I believe in you. And you don’t have to do this alone.

Xo! Mindy

Ps. Spread your wings. Fuck the chickens. Do the thing you’re here to do.

And make fuck tons of money doing it.

Without the stress. Without the bullshit. Without the overwhelm.

Without trying to figure it all out.

The Fuck Yes Offer Formula. How To CREATE, LAUNCH & SELL Your Fuck Yes Offer In 7 Days!

From soul. From God. From Source.

Just by being you.

Without the tech. Without the website. Without all the fucking things.

Just you. The people you’re here to serve. And fuck tons of money for doing it.

You in? Click the link. Read the page. If it’s a Fuck Yes. Spread your wings and fly!

I cannot wait to work with you!


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